Psychological Capital and its Compound Benefits


Psychological Capital is a concept which relates to an individual’s positive psychological functionality. It is analogous to the idea of positive mental health. People with high levels of Psychological Capital are likely to be high performing in individual and organisation terms as well as happy and empowered.

Investing in developing Psychological Capital therefore has a very real benefit both to the individual and the organisation that they work in. We refer to this as the compound benefit effect. Though many organisations are committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of their people, few are organised to invest in that development in a systematic way and fewer still equipped to evaluate how well those investments are working and so achieve a continuous improvement loop related to their investment and its payback.

Over the last year at forward thinking inc we have been researching the area and have developed an in-depth understanding of the drivers of Psychological Capital, there are four. Later this year we will be unveiling our model and its four drivers together with a simple tool kit to help organisations to measure, manage and build their Psychological Capital effectively.

If you'd like to find out more, or would be interested in attending a seminar on the topic, please get in touch via


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