Strategy Review
Client: Major Banking Group
Whilst a quarterly strategic planning process existed within this major banking group, management were keen to undertake a more thorough review and challenge the strategic direction of one of their key product areas.
In particular, management wanted to assess the impact of key choices relating to focus, pricing, distribution and risk. forward thinking inc were asked to assist them.
Detailed internal and external review of the business and its market context
Challenges to the existing strategy, and development of alternative strategic options
Construction of a simple but powerful model to drive decision-making which demonstrated the impact of alternative options
Identification and prioritisation of opportunities for incremental profitable growth
All three strategy options were articulated and their impact on shareholder value spelled out
Review presented to senior management and key recommendations taken forward
The bank remains a market leader in this field
"forward thinking inc brought clarity, insight and creativity to our strategy development. They understood our market intimately and were able to put forward detailed plans for taking the business to the next level."
Strategy & Business Development Director